Regents Exam Prep
In New York State, all public high school students must take Regents Exams in physical science, life science, math, English, and more to graduate! Enter your exams with confidence by prepping with our experienced tutors ahead of time! We can match you with Cornell tutors who have been through the NYS school system and taken the same Regents exam you are about to face. We have the tips and tricks to help you do well!
Not sure what exams you have?
Check with your school or view the 2023 NYS Regents Exam Schedule here.
Note: These are the official NYS Regents Exams Schedules as of May 17, 2023. Always check the live schedule and check with your school prior to your exam in case of any scheduling changes.
Have any questions?
Give us a call at (607) 272-2000 ext. 234 or fill out the form below!